We got an e-mail from Trevor last Wed, Feb. 4th. He told us that Elder Clate Mask had come to speak to them the night before. I was so excited to hear this because Bro. Mask was my seminary teacher my 9th grade year. He was the best! That was definitely my favorite year of seminary. For our final, he brought out a stack of tests and then put them down. He told us that we would pass when we sent him an invitation to a mission farewell or to a temple wedding. I did send him my wedding announcement and he actually came to our reception. The really neat thing is that our reception was at the Rasmussen's house. I wish Trevor had known that. I'm sure he would have been even more excited to hear him speak.
He may be a little difficult to recognize. He's the one with the glasses and mustache. This was 1992.

Here he is today.