Hey Elder have you wondered why so many people
are wearing those funny masks . . . . . .
“For I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you to bear you up.” D & C 84:88
What a crazy week! First of all, I AM OKAY! We are wearing our nerdy dentists masks so we don´t get sick. It is actually kind of funny, on Thursday we were walking and I told Elder Sander that more people are wearing a mask than usual! Haha we didn't know until Sunday that this whole thing was going on. Some members gave us these masks, I didnt really want to wear mine, everyone told me I should and I still didn´t want to. I told Elder Sander we have a “spiritual mask” and we don't have to worry if we´re obedient. Then he said “ Elder, if you get this flu, you could get sent home!” “oooh…. Okay. I guess I´ll wear it then.” If you were here in Pachuca you´d laugh, lets put it that way. Here is how we found out about this whole thing…
I think I have told you about Consuelo. She is the “oro” or golden that we were led by the Spirit too! Seriously! We planned byt he spirit to go to that street, and I know that it was to find her. She has four kids, Oscar 14, Joel 12, and Leilani 10. She just got over a divorce, and I´m sure that's tough on her. We taught them almost every day last week, and they are doing awesome! They are keeping their commitments and every time the light of Christ shines brighter in their faces. It is so amazing to SEE the Gospel working in their lives. Anyways, Sunday comes along. We usually go by each of our investigators homes, the new ones anyways, to pick them up. We passed by Consuelos because we wanted to remind her and what not. So we go by at 9 45 and they´re not ready! She told us that she received a text from a “Sandy” saying that church was canceled! We told her no way, that somebody didn't want her to go to church! She said oh okay We´ll be there then! So a Little later we get to church and the bishop is out front with a really serious look on his face. He told us that Church was canceled for the week because of this flu. Haha…oops. Turns out a sister in the Ward texted Consuelo to tell her that it was canceled. Consuelo showed up with two of her kids too! We called the President and he told us to stay in our house yesterday and just rest. This week we can´t do any contacting and that's the next story…
This past week we worked so hard. Heavenly Father blessed us so much with finding people who are ready to hear the gospel. I went on divisiones with my Zone Leader Elder Tanner from Gilbert! Theres four of us from the Gilbert area here, Elder Tanner (Highland, he knows the Packer family) Elder Reed, and Elder Howard. Anyways, Elder Tanner and I were walking down the street Javier Rojo Gomez in the Colonia Santa Julia. We were looking for Calle 2 so we could visit a recent convert, but somehow we walked a Little too far.. like half a mile or so. I thought that was weird, and that for sure I should have seen the street sign. We back tracked a Little and found calle 2, and there walking down the middle of the street were a lady, her mother, and three kids. We introduced ourselves and asked if we could share this message with them. They said YES. So we went to their house and long story short they´ve accepted their baptismal date, 10 of May, and were going to go to Church if it hadn´t been canceled !
We found others to teach too, which is a real blessing because we can´t knock doors this week. We can only teach those who we had before, and last week Heavenly Father blessed us a ton with posible investigators. (sorry this computer is changing my words to Spanish! haha) I have tos ay the past 5 weeks were a Little bit of a trial. We were working hard, knocking doors and everything but not finding anyone who coudld really progress. Then week 5 comes and we finally have investigators progressing, with a baptismal date set! We are Reading the Book of Mormon as a misión in 90 days. I really like in Mosiah 24:15. I learned if I just need to submit cheerfully and with patience to ALL the wil of the Lord, even if that means no baptisms for a whole cycle! I´m so thankful for all the blessings from the Lord, I really feel blessed to be here.
1. This is Elder Sanders last cycle, the one that's coming, or his last six weeks. He studied English before and he´s been learning here. He speaks English really well, but we speak in Spanish the rest of the time. When I really can´t understand he helps me out, but we´re going to start speaking English in the house so he can go to BYU.
2. There is a nice Little internet place right by our house, it costs 10 pesos a hour and is the fastest around.
3. Mom its okay to read my letters! Haha, dont worry about it! The numbers: The first is baptisms this week, the second confirmations, and the third is investigators at Church. The others are visits to members who need to be confirmed and what not.
4. Missionary work is awesome. It is harder than I thought for sure! I thought everyone wanted to get baptized! Haha just kidding. We´re working hard and I know that's what missionary WORK is!
5. The missionaries before us didn't leave us much to work with. All the investigators they had all need to get married or divorced and really don't want to do much, so we can´t help them. We basically started from scratch.
6. Haha the natives… some think I speak really good Spanish when I tell them I´ve been here a month, and some just look at me with scrunched faces even when I know I´m speaking understandable Spanish. I think they think to themselves •” Wait this guy is White, he can´t speak Spanish!” (Bro Taylor and I talked about this! haah)
Send more questions, I think I can tell you more that way.
Well I have to go. Don't worry!! We have protection from the Lord. Pretty soon I´ll be sending pictures of a baptismal Font! I love you all, hope you got the pictures okay!
Con Amor,
Elder Rasmussen
Ps- dad, the Church is in colonia Rojo gomez, street Emiliano Zapata and C.N.C. There is no number. Our house address is in the picture. Sorry I couldn't send more pics of the hsoes, if you need mroe i will next week.
ps- mom, good job at not having a break down! I´m praying for ya! We´re safe, really. Tell uncle George sorry I couldn't reply today
ps-i think its okay for everyone to write me, I just cant write an email back to them.
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