Elder Rasmussen translation- "What we persist in doing becomes easier, not because the nature of the thing has changed, but because our capacity to do it has increased."
I hope you can translate President Bulloch´s letter for this week, because it is awesome!! He is so inspiring, after reading his letters I just want to go out there and contact the whole world!... well I like doing that anyways but even more after I read his letters! He´s great. His letter this week talks about how we should always demonstrate our humility, and acknowledge that the Lord is always helping us, and without him we can´t achieve anything! I know that´s so true! We saw it again this week.
Juan Carlos- It really is a miracle that this man got baptized this week! His dad has been in three bishoprics, and is really active. All of his family are members, except for him! He has known the Church for most of his life, he even fasts and pays tithing! He used to smoke, but we set the goal with him to not smoke at all and he did it! I know that only only happens with the help of the Lord. It´s so amazing to see the change that happens to people when they turn themselves over to the Lord. Juan´s dad baptized him Saturday at 7:30! Elder Mora and I woke up at 5 to go fill the font! We were pretty wiped out by the end of the day. It was so neat to see Juan Carlos enter into his first covenant with the Lord. The Spirit was strong in the baptism, and yesterday was his confirmation. He actually looked different after- the look that someone has when they have the Spirit with them.
I dont´think I´ve told you this, after every baptism, I like to read.
Alma 29:10
10 And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember what the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me.
I feel that joy every time I see someone being baptized. It´s hard to describe this joy, its the best thing I´ve ever felt in the world- pure happiness. That really is our motivation here. That same joy that we feel, we want everyone else to feel as well!
This week was really effective. Our District Meeting was about how to find more investigators. It really opened our eyes, we focused on doing all of the different ways, instead of just focusing on one. We went and visited Consuelo and did a fun activity with them. We gave them each a piece of paper and told them to fold it and draw themselves on one side. We all drew ourselves, Elder Mora and I drew ourselves looking really buff, and wrote "SUPER ELDER". We had everyone show their picture, then we told them to turn it over and close their eyes, then draw themselves again. Its really funny because you end up with your feet above your head, my tie was on my face, and yeah it looks really funny. Then we have them read Alma 13:24.
24 For behold, angels are declaring it unto many at this time in our land; and this is for the purpose of preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory.
We share with them how when we have the gospel in our lives we can see clearly, and when we don´t, we look different and it doesn´t turn out so well. We shared that Angels are preparing many of their friends to hear the gospel and accept it in their lives. We have them write five names, and then we had Consuelo say the prayer to ask for inspiration to know who to send us to. We came out with 5 referrals! It´s a fun activity, and it helps them to feel the missionary spirit.
Hey if you really want to surprise a missionary, give them a referral without them asking! That's all it takes! you´ll make their day, I promise you!
Mari and Gris´s mom and dad aren´t so sure about their baptism anymore. They got talked out of it by their family, but Mari is excited to help them accept their baptismal date again, and I know they will. Your prayers would be great!
Hope you all have a great week! We´re going to continue working hard down here and doing the best we can with the Lord´s help. This really is our Heavenly Father´s work. His work and his glory! We´ve seen so many miracles, and just like President Bulloch said, when we give thanks for even the small miracles we´re demonstrating our thankfulness and the Lord is more anxious to bless us! I love you all, and don't´forget to let you light so shine! You´re the light of the World that the children of God will look to as an example! Love you all,
Elder Rasmussen
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