Okay just a small investigator report, Dad asked me to do that and I forgot! It´s hard to type in English now. I wish you all understood Spanish so I could just type faster and not have to think so hard! Haha okay here’s the list---
- Piedad, Roberto, Beto, and Gabi- This family is awesome! They are kind of poor, and really humble and they do so much for us. They always invite us to eat even though we know they barely have enough to eat. When we try to refuse Sis. Piedad gets upset and tells us to sit down and eat! Fabiola still doesn´t want to come to Church, we’re trying to do everything! We just have to find the right way to help her. MADDIE! Fabiola wants to hear from you! She gave me a letter to translate and send to you, but I forgot it. If you write her a letter I can translate it, she wants you to be her “pen pal”, cool huh?
- Ricardo y Fernando- These are two kids, Ricardo is 10 and Fernando is 9. I don´t remember if I told you about them. We saw a man walking alone and we contacted him, he told us he was inactive and invited us to his house. They have a “papeleria” in the back of their house, we enter through a small door in their papeleria haha its kind of funny to see me squeeze through the two foot high door! Anyways, these two kids are awesome! They’re going to be baptized next week. Their Mom, Cecillia, is an Avon seller and gave me a cool watch! The people here really care about the missionaries.
- Beatriz and her kids- Beatriz is an inactive member. She has three kids that have the age of baptism. She was a miracle! She went to Church almost two years ago when Elder Sander and Elder Mora were here. They made a “registro”…whats that word….form? Investigator form? With her direction and everything. When we were praying for help to find new investigators we found this sheet with her name and direction! Her kids are awesome, and they have their date for the 25.
- Alicia- She was supposed to be baptized last week, but was in DF all week and didn{t come to Church. We´re going to find her and she´ll be baptized this next week.
- Raul- I told you about him! Raul is awesome, he contacted us in the street right after his wife had kicked him out. He asked us what we do, and what we teach. He accepted his date for this last Sunday, but he smoked. We gave him some suckers to pull out whenever he hast he temptation to smoke, and it really works! He is really excited for his baptism next Sunday because he knows Heavenly Father is the only one who can help him with his wife. We told him we´re not very good for giving advice about his wife and him because we´re not married! Haha
This is a picture of Maria del Carmen in the center with ward members
- Maria Del Carmen- She was baptized yesterday! Tonight she told us we have to come over so she can try “Pan Frances” or, French Toast. It´s becoming a tradition in our ward! The missionaries before would buy a cake for every person, but Pan Frances is more original, right?
Mom! Haha I thought of you the other day! We had to teach the Law of chastity to Fernando and Ricardo. I was trying to think of how we could teach it, we ended up teaching about movies and how we should be careful with what we see on internet and movies. I told them imagine that the movie is a like a cookie, that looks really good, but if you put a little bit of dog poop in it would you eat it? They made a face and said NO!! We compared that to movies and internet and I think the “cookie example” really helped, so thanks! Everything you’ve taught us we can use in our mission!
We went with our District to play soccer today. I was the designated “picture taker” because I´m so bad! Haha just kidding, my knee was hurting, and we’re an odd number so I sat out. After we went to a plaza in Ixtapaluca and found Chinese food!! It wasn’t quite like Pandas, but hey that’s okay!
EVERYONE! I need your help! My companion, Elder Martinez, hasn’t been getting letters from his family. His parents don’t use computers, and his brother is always busy so he never can. PLEASE send him some letters. Use Google translator, and send it to him! His email is-
This is for everyone that reads this! POR FAVOR AYUDEN A MI COMPAÑERO!
Okay, well we have to take off. I love you all! I just want to end with a quick story. Our goal every week is to get as many people as we can to Church. Last week we had a ton of people that said they would go to Conference, but only 4 went. This week, we really worked hard. We prayed so hard for the Lords help. This Sunday we were blessed with fourteen investigators at church! It was a huge blessing! I know this is the Lords work. I am so blessed to be a missionary in the best part of the world! Mexico is awesome! The people here are so ready to accept the Gospel, and come unto Christ. We have seen so many miracles, and all of them have been at the hand of the Lord. Love you all,
Elder Rasmussen
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