Conference was amazing huh?! I agree with President Monson that it was definitely the best Priesthood session I have ever been too. (the Word program changes the words to Spanish, sorry!) I especially liked President Eyring and President Uchtdorf’s talks, can you send those to me if you get a chance? I was able to see conference in English. The high council member in charge of the screen set up a room just for the “gringos”, I was able to take good notes. And I’m so glad I was able to hear Pres. Monson in the first session! That was hilarious! Our investigators really enjoyed the conference too. Everyone here is really impressed by the choir! I think those were some of the best songs they have sung in conference! “This is the Christ” Was amazing!
This week we didn’t have much time to work in our area again! A lot of funny things happened this week though. We went to the doctor last Tuesday and the doctor saw the open wound on my companion and asked “Who's cleaning this for you?!” When he said he was cleaning it by himself, the doctor got mad and said “NO! Tell your companion HE has to do it!” I guess the surgeon left it open so that it won't get infected and we can clean it out better. So all this week I’ve had to get a gauze and clean it out! We are the definition of the “Divine companionship” now! With all this time together we’ve become like brothers.
We’ve had a lot of time to talk and get to know each other. Elder Hilario is going to have changes this cycle, everyone here in this Ward is going to miss him a ton. He has really helped me and taught me a lot. He has a lot of time as a zone leader and taught me everything I need to know. He’s from the north and everyone from the north has a reputation for telling things the way they are. Last night he told me “When you got here your Spanish stunk! Now look at you!” There's a phrase in Spanish that says “no tengo pelos en mi lengua” or, “ I say things directly”. That’s what he told me when he said that to me! Haha. He also said that my teaching has gotten a whole lot better since I got here. I told you I felt like I was being trained again! Anyways, we’ve had a great time together. We’ve seen so many miracles this cycle that I’ll always remember.
I sent a message to the Reyes family (Sara, Sergio, Jessica and Baulio). They are so excited to enter the Temple! They went to all the conference sessions at the Stake center and sent me a message saying they were so grateful for the things they learned. They sent me a letter I don’t think I told you about. They wrote me and told me that elder Martinez and I got to their home right when they needed all the blessings Heavenly Father has ready for them. They thanked me for our persistence and helping them to be baptized. This family is really special, and I know December 6th is going to be a great day!
Do you remember Beatriz, Gonzalo, Pablo and Ariel from Pachuca? I talked to Elder Spencer (He’s been in my first area for 7 months). He said they are so excited to go to the Temple, and are going to the preparation classes! They should be going in July or August, I’ll let you know.
Well Ricardo wasn’t baptized this week. We were able to visit his sister and his brother. They both accepted their baptismal date for this week. We also have an investigator named Karina that went to conference. When we talked with her she said she really enjoyed it and feels good about her baptism this week.
There’s not much going on. Neza is awesome! Just a little about the area, it is sooo BIG! We have to take a bus called a “micro” to get from end to end because otherwise it would take hours to get across it. We use a lot of money just on transportation to get t the appointments on time. The drivers of the buses are really crazy. In Mexico they don’t believe in stop signs. They put a ton of speed bumps EVERYWHERE so people have to slow down. The micro drivers just speed up and go over them. Going against traffic is normal too. But nothing happens to them because they know they have a bigger bus than everyone else! Haah, I love México! To be able to find new investigators we have found that the best way is to contact so we spend a lot fo our time contacting everybody in the street. That’s hard to do because in any given hour in any street a hundred people pass by within 5 or 10 minutes!
Our zone is doing better. The missionaries seem excited to work hard. We visited their district classes two weeks ago and shared this quote by President Joseph Fielding Smith.”
“[Missionaries] were to remember . . . one important duty which they were to fulfill and that was to be sure and bear testimony in every instance. If they performed their labors sincerely, humbly and diligently bearing witness of the restoration then it would be more tolerable for the heathen in the day of judgment, than for that house which rejected the message. If no warning had been left, however, then the judgment would be pronounced against the servant who was expected to deliver it. . . . The elders who delivered the message were also to be judges in the day of judgment against those who rejected their testimony. Missionaries of the Church should realize this fact. They are sent to warn the world and when they faithfully do their duty they will stand as witnesses against those who reject them, but if they fail to perform their duty, then those unto whom the message should have been given, will stand up as accusers in their turn, and the unfaithful servants will be condemned.”
I know it made me want to work harder and share the gospel with EVERYONE! This is the Lord’s work, HE is at the head of it! I know Trent will be a great missionary. I know Sam will be too. As long as we remember what Pres. Smith said, we’ll be set!
Con mucho amor,
Elder Rasmussen
Ps- I can't wait to eat some PEEPS!
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