Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:34:20 +0000
Subject: El Ultimo Email!
Hola familia!
Wow, el ultimo semana en el MTC! LOCISIMO! Not a whole lot has happened this past week...
Except for ELDER L. TOM PERRY!
That was pretty exciting! The Elders that went to Choir said there were people with metal detectors going around the gym so we ate cereal and booked it to the gym so we could get our favorite close seat. He spoke to us about companionships and how learning to get along with them is the greatest thing we're going to learn. It was a great devotional, nothing too deep or earth shattering it was just a nice devotional letting us know that we had better get along with out companions, I think it really applied cuz I know I'm going to need help with certain companions in the field (at least from my setting apart blessing!)
Well I've been reflecting a lot on what I've learned here, and how exactly I've grown. In my journal Grandpa and Grandma gave me it asks for what I've learned- in one page! So I've been thinking about it... And here's what I've decided I learned.
I know I didn't explain it very well last week, but this idea of focusing completely on the investigators isn't new. In Preach My Gospel it talks all about focusing on the people's needs. Well in the MTC whenever we teach they have always said, "so what can YOU do better next time?" It doesn't matter what WE did, it matters how the investigator came unto Christ- our whole purpose! So lesson number
1- Focus completely on the investigators,
the Purpose statement is central to EVERYTHING
For example, Hermana Nash has been telling us since we got here that if we will focus on them completely, then the Lord can use us as a mouthpiece to speak to them. If we have studied our Spanish and "treasured up continually" the doctrine, all He asks us to do is focus completely and solely on the investigator- then our Spanish will come. THAT is the real definition of the Gift of Tongues. Last week we were in the Referral Center. I was doing calls in English and wanted to try it in Spanish. So I called Hermana Nash over and asked if we could do a split call. She listened in while I did the call. I called about 4 or 5 times before someone finally answered, each time I was about to just give up! When someone finally answered it was his wife. I read the script perfectly (haha, yeah right) then she said her husband could come. So when he answered the phone I started speaking Spanish, without even thinking about it. I mean at first I asked the questions I needed to, and when he replied super fast I needed help, but when he asked me again I just answered in Spanish- focusing on him! Hermana Nash told me after "Elder! When you weren't reading the script, your Spanish was so much better!" Pretty cool huh? I mean I'm not a pro at all, it was just really neat to know that Heavenly Father watches out for all of us.
2- Our call is inspired.
Wow, this is huge. I know I was ordained to be a missionary at this time in this mission, with certain companions. Heavenly Father had it figured it out down to the TEACHERS in the MTC. They are so amazing, I've learned so much from them these past 8 weeks. They taught by the Spirit, they looked for our needs as their students. Hermana Nash even plans for EACH of us! Everyday she has our names where investigators names go, and next to it she puts what she thinks our needs are, and she tries to meet them as she teaches. Hermano Barrios is so knowledgeable in the gospel, he is from Chile and only knows English form going on his mission to Mesa, and studying at BYU but he speaks amazing! It gives me hope cuz I want to master the Spanish language in every way possible. In PMG elder Holland tells us to do that, and I know if I apply myself I can!
3-Learn by the Spirit
This is just something I've recently been learning. In PMG, again, It talks about this. Hermana Nash told us about how much we can learn if we have the Spirit with us. I really want to do this and grow this through my mission! I have great companions who get great insights from the Spirit, they love to share with me so it's fun to hear what they learn.
I've grown so much here in the MTC. I've learned what I need to do to become a better missionary FOR the people in the Mexico City East mission. I have the materials, and the preparation to be great, now all it's goign to take is self-discipline (which I've also learned a lot about)
Thank you to all of you for writing me. Thanks so much for the packages mom and dad, I'm definitely the best cared for missionary here! I feel bad though, quit spending money on me! I'm already costing you a fortune.
Grandma and Grandpa, thanks for the letters. They really uplift and encourage me.
Maddie, Keep up the great work in school! I didn't know you slept in my bed, when mom sent that dear elder it was the first time I had heard that. I'm glad you keeping it good for me! Hope to hear from you before I leave.
Maegan, I have only gotten a few letters on DearElder from you, I'm sorry! You mighyt be putting the info in wrong but I do appreciate you for being the diligent sibling and writing me. Chiste chiste, I love you too Maddie and Trent. Maegan just loves me more ;)
Trent, Study Preach My Gospel- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! I wish I would have at LEAST read it through all the way. Go through and take that nice pencil that you got in that awesome package, mark all the things we need to do as missionaries in blue and all the promises in yellow. There are so many awesome promises in PMG. Please read it. okay?? I feel so strongly about this, I wish I would’ve known to do that before. I didn't know how fundamental it is in Missionary work. you're awesome, keep up the good work in sports and plays and SCHOOL!
oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I can't believe you're 18. Keep preparing, you'll be great! Tell our Mission Prep class hi for me.
Okay, FLIGHT PLANS! I know you have them too, but I wanted to talk to you about it. What would you think about me calling when I get to Georgia? I figured in SLC it might be kinda hard, I don’t know if I'll have enough time.
Oh yeah random fact- I bought a hundred pass along card for finding faith in Christ DVD to give out in Georgia. We always get calls in the RC from people in Georgia and back east wanting their free Bible and Christ movie! Cha-Ching!
Mother dearest, I DO indeed have a plan for packing. My new suitcase is light and has a lot of room. My big suitcase is all packed already, and my carry on can weigh up to 40 pounds. So I figure I still have 90 pounds left to pack my bedding, some shirts, garments and books. I'm wearing my boots on the plane, I'm putting extra clothes in my carry on in case I lose my suitcase- POR FAVOR no se preocupado! Don't be worried! You've taught me well, I learned from the best parents in the world!
So what do you think about me calling about 4:30-4:40 Georgia time?? Let me know in an email if you can or dear elder.
mom, I don’t' know what Elder Maxwell talk you're talking about. Did I send one home??
Ps- I don’t' have addresses for a lot of the ward people. Like Bro Knaperak.
Okay I les quiero mucho! When you hear from me next I'll be on my way to Mexico!
Este iglesia es verdadera, Jose Smith fue un profeta de Dios, soy llamando de un profeta viviendo para predicar el Evangelio de Jesucristo!
Love you all,
Elder Trevor Rasmussen
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